A much-beloved classic from the phenomenal Suzanne Enoch, A Matter of Scandal is a delightful showcase of the wit, style, and passion that have made this New York Times and USA Today bestselling author a historical romance star. In this delectable Regency romp, a lusty duke with a well-earned reputation for seduction tricks the beautiful headmistress of a girls finishing school into a wager she /5(K). A Matter of Scandal (With This Ring, Book 3) (Vol 3) by Enoch, Suzanne and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at www.doorway.ru "Suzanne Enoch's sparkling talent makes each book witty, romantic, and always an eagerly anticipated pleasure." -Christina Dodd A much-beloved classic from the phenomenal Suzanne Enoch, A Matter of Scandal is a delightful showcase of the wit, style, and passion that have made this New York Times and USA Today bestselling author a historical.
"Suzanne Enoch's sparkling talent makes each book witty, romantic, and always an eagerly anticipated pleasure." —Christina Dodd A much-beloved classic from the phenomenal Suzanne Enoch, A Matter of Scandal is a delightful showcase of the wit, style, and passion that have made this New York Times and USA Today bestselling author a historical romance star. The main characters of A Matter of Scandal novel are Emma Grenville, Greydon Brakenridge, Duke of Wycliffe. The book has been awarded with Booker Prize, Edgar Awards and many others. One of the Best Works of Suzanne Enoch. published in multiple languages including English, consists of pages and is available in Mass Market Paperback format. A matter of scandal by Suzanne Enoch, , Avon Books edition, in English.
"A Matter of Scandal" rounds out Suzanne Enoch's "With This Ring" series, which was so enjoyable overall that I'm pained that there is no epilogue to catch a last glimpse of these couples' happily ever afters. "A Matter of Scandal" perfectly stands on its own and the characters are well thought out and fully developed. Although the previous two were also enjoyable, this one outshines them both! Even though this particular plot line has been done numerous times before, in the clever and talented hands of this author, it exudes wit and originality. by Suzanne Enoch. · Ratings A Matter of Scandal. by Suzanne Enoch. · Ratings · Reviews · published · 19 editions. SCHOOL FOR.