The first edition of the novel was published in , and was written by Lawrence Durrell. The book was published in multiple languages including English, consists of pages and is available in Paperback format. The main characters of this fiction, classics story are Justine Hosnani, Melissa Artemis. The book has been awarded with Prix du Meilleur Livre Étranger for Roman (), and many others/5. out of 5 starsJustine is the first of four in the Alexandria Quartet by Lawrence Durrell. Justine was published in to wide acclaim and has been popular with the Brit Lit. set ever since. The novel is set in Alexandria, Egypt shortly before World War II/5(). · Justine by Lawrence Durrell. John Crace @JohnJCrace. Fri EST. I have escaped to this island with the child, Melissa's child. As Author: John Crace.
Lawrence Durrell's masterpiece The Alexandria Quartet are four novels set in Alexandria, Egypt during the s. The first of his four novels Justine "demands comparison with the best books of our century.". Justine by Lawrence Durrell. John Crace @JohnJCrace. Fri EST. I have escaped to this island with the child, Melissa's child. As the night is snatched from darkness by Arcturus, I. Justine by Lawrence Durrell and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at
out of 5 starsJustine is the first of four in the Alexandria Quartet by Lawrence Durrell. Justine was published in to wide acclaim and has been popular with the Brit Lit. set ever since. The novel is set in Alexandria, Egypt shortly before World War II. Like. “There are only three things to be done with a woman. You can love her, suffer for her, or turn her into literature.”. ― Lawrence Durrell, Justine. likes. Like. “A city becomes a world when one loves one of its inhabitants.”. ― Lawrence Durrell, Justine. likes. Justine, published in , is the first volume in Lawrence Durrell 's literary tetralogy, The Alexandria Quartet. The first in the tetralogy, Justine is one of four interlocking novels, each of which tells various aspects of a complex story of passion and deception from differing points of view. The quartet is set in the Egyptian city of Alexandria in the s and s, the city or Alexandria itself as described by Durrell becoming as much of a complex character as the human protagonists.