al-Suhrawardi, Shihab al-Din Yahya () Al-Suhrawardi, whose life spanned a period of less than forty years in the middle of the twelfth century ad, produced a series of highly assured works which established him as the founder of a new school of philosophy in the Muslim world, the school of Illuminationist philosophy (hikmat al-ishraq). Although arising out of the peripatetic philosophy . Shahab al-Din Suhrawardi has 35 books on Goodreads with ratings. Shahab al-Din Suhrawardi’s most popular book is حي بن يقظان. · Shahab al-Din Suhrawardi: biography – Other important Muslim mystics carry the name Suhrawardi, particularly and his paternal nephew. "Shahāb ad-Dīn" Yahya ibn Habash as-Suhrawardī (also known as Sohrevardi) was an Iranian (Kurdish or Persian)Ziai, H.(), “Al-Suhrawardi”, Encyclopaedia of Islam, New Ed., vol. 9: Quote: "AL-SUHRAWARDI, .
صفیر سیمرغ [Shahab al-din Suhrawardi the founder of illumination school: Part of the history of Islamic philosophy] (Vol. 2) (Y. Shaghoul, Sima Noorbakhsh, Trans.). Hikmat. دوره 11، شماره پاییز و زمستان پاییز و زمستان در صفیر سیمرغ خود (كتابخانه ملی طهران، نسخه خطی شماره ، ص )، وی كسانی را كه به علم شهودی رسیدهاند به پنج دسته تقسیم میكند: یكی آنها كه لاالهالاالله میگویند؛ دوم آنان كه بالاترند و لا. Шихаб ад-Дин Яхья Сухраварди (Персидский شهاب الدين يحيى سهروردی, dmg Шихаб ад-Дин Яшья Сухраварди; * в Сухраварде в персидский провинция Зенджан; † в Алеппо), (Арабский) тоже ас-Сухраварди, короткая Сухраварди или.
شهابالدین سهروردی. شهابالدین یحیی سُهرِوَردی (متولد۵۴۹ق) معروف به شیخ اشراق ، مؤسس حکمت اشراق که در زمینه فلسفه و حکمت اسلامی آثار متنوعی به ثبت رسانیده است. مهمترین اثر وی، کتاب حکمة. Shahab al-Din Suhrawardi, حسین مفید avg rating — ratings — published — 3 editions. Shahab al-Din Suhrawardi Quotes Quotable Quote صفیر سیمرغ by Shahab al-Din Suhrawardi 60 ratings, average rating, 12 reviews.