Ebook {Epub PDF} Three Philosophical Poets: Lucretius Dante Goethe by George Santayana

As merely a book, "Three Philosophical Poets" is a masterpiece of style and interpretation. The three philosophical poets of the title are Lucretius, Dante, and Goethe, each of whom represents the three main sources of the major speculative systems of Western philosophy. Lucretius, the materialist, is the poet of naturalism; Dante, the Christian and Platonist, is the poet of supernaturalism; and Goethe, /5(13). In approaching the third of our philosophical poets, there is a scruple that may cross the mind. Lucretius was undoubtedly a philosophical poet; his whole poem is devoted to expounding and defending a system of philosophy. In Dante the case is almost as plain. The _Divine Comedy_ is a moral and personal fable; yet not only are many passages explicitly/5(23).  · 13De Natura Rerum, La Divina Commedia and Faust are the works of philosophical – and highly civilized – poets. Santayana, for his part, was, unashamedly, a literary philosopher (and a minor poet, a one-shot novelist, and a wonderful autobiographer).Author: Daniel Pinkas.

GEORGE SANTAYANA "Philosophy is something reasoned and heavy; poetry something winged, flashing, inspired.. All this sounds about right, and yet, some of the most cherished poems happen to have an unmistakably philosophical character: e.g., Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching, Lucretius' De Rerum. Based on a course Santayana taught at Harvard, Three Philosophical Poets was first delivered to the public as a series of lectures at Columbia University in Santayana's lifelong, learned meditation on the relationship between philosophy and art is apparent. (Santayana's own prose style has long. Jorge Agustín Nicolás Ruiz de Santayana y Borrás, known as George Santayana (Decem - Septem), was a philosopher, essayist, poet, and novelist. Santayana was raised and educated in the United States and identified himself as an American, although he always kept a valid.

The three philosophical poets of the title are Lucretius, Dante, and Goethe, each of whom represents the three main sources of the major speculative systems of Western philosophy. Lucretius, the materialist, is the poet of naturalism; Dante, the Christian and Platonist, is the poet of supernaturalism; and Goethe, the romanticist, is the poet of experience and idealism. Three philosophical poets: Lucretius, Dante, Goethe (Doubleday Anchor books) [Santayana, George] on www.doorway.ru *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Three philosophical poets: Lucretius, Dante, Goethe (Doubleday Anchor books). About the Author. George Santayana () was born in Madrid. A student of both Josiah Royce and William James, he graduated from Harvard in , and became their colleague two years later. Among his own students were T. S. Eliot, Wallace Stevens, Gertrude Stein, Walter Lippmann, W. E. B. Dubois, and Harry Wolfson.


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