The Eighth Day [O'Neal, Michael, Clark, Joe, Banker, Levi] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The Eighth Day/5(12). · [ BOOK The Eighth Day ] by Michael ONeal – Michael ONeal 7 on The Eighth Day [ BOOK The Eighth Day ] by Michael ONeal – 5 Real Life Examples of Insider Threat Ekran System ☆ [ BOOK The Eighth Day ] by Michael ONeal – Kindle Edition; ; The Eighth Day; Michael ONeal;. The Eighth Day sample by Michael ONeal published on TZ. sample from "THE EIGHTH DAY" by Michael O'Neal. Narrated by Robert Martinez. Produced by Reel Audiobooks, LLC Plot Synopsis: No one would ever call Jay Anderson normal. Bookish, nerdy, super-smart, maybe, but not normal. But when he's arrested for a crime he didn't commit.
The Eighth Day By Michael O'Neal Buy it now. Enjoyed this review? Get early access to fresh indie books and help decide on the bestselling stories of tomorrow. Create your free account today. or Or sign up with an. Create your account. Or sign up with your social account. Discover more books like The Eighth Day. Everyone, please welcome Michael O'Neal. You can catch me review of his book, The Eighth Day, over HERE. Today Michael stopped by to chat about action flicks, his kid-self, detassling corn, and much more. Enjoy! 1) If you could, what book/movie/TV series would you like to experience for the first time all over again and why? Michael O'Neal wrote the first draft of The Eighth Day as a sophomore in high school, and it was the first prize winner of the Fountainhead Productions National Writing Contest. Since then he graduated from the professional pilot program at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and served a tour of duty in the NOAA Corps, America's seventh.
Michael O'Neal wrote the first draft of THE EIGHTH DAY as a sophomore in high school, and it was the first prize winner of the Fountainhead Productions National Writing Contest. Since then he has graduated from the professional pilot program at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and served a tour of duty in the NOAA Corps, America's seventh and smallest uniformed service. sample from "THE EIGHTH DAY" by Michael O'Neal. Narrated by Robert Martinez. Produced by Reel Audiobooks, LLC Plot Synopsis: No one would ever call Jay Anderson normal. Bookish, nerdy, super-smart, maybe, but not normal. But when he's arrested for a crime he didn't commit, he's about to find out just how not normal he is. The Eighth Day by Michael O'Neal. Where I Got It: Review copy via the author (thanks!). Publisher: Self-published () Narrator.