· blog In which the characters from Don’t Call Me Ishmael discuss their weirdest dreams. In I wrote a short story based on the Ishmael series that was included in an anthology created by my German publishers Carl Hanser celebrating 20 YEARS OF HANSER CHILDREN’S BOOKS. The piece was called Ismael und das Team . · Don't Call Me Ishmael #1. Michael Gerard Bauer. Scholastic Australia, - Juvenile Fiction. 8 Reviews. "There's no easy way to put this, so I'll say it straight out. It's time I faced up to the /5(8). · REVIEW: Don't Call Me Ishmael by Michael Gerard Bauer I had a WHALE of a time reading this book Get it? It's a reference to Moby Dick! Like in the title of this book! Don't Call Me Ishmael by Michael Gerard Bauer. Templar Books. Published 01/01/ Love Reading for Kids link. Posted by Liz at
Throughout Michael Gerard Bauer's Don't call me Ishmael, the author frequently displays the contrasts between the two characters Ishmael Leseur and James Scobie. The two characters help each other find themselves throughout the book. They teach many valuable lessons and prove to us. Michael Gerard Bauer's novel Don't Call Me Ishmael. Tells us about the world which we live in, through the first person narrative of a fifteen year old boy, Ishmael Leseur. The teenage years are very challenging because throughout this time people are learning. 'Don't Call Me ISHMAEL' is a good book and I enjoyed reading through it. The book was good because at the end of most chapters it had a little comment I found it rather immature. Maybe if I approached this book differently I would appreciate the wisdom Michael Gerard Bauer wished to impart more, but.
Ignatius Prindabel. Ignatius is the first Year Nine boy to join Scobie ’s debating team. Ishmael describes him as being like an old man in a teenager’s body. He also insists that Ignatius is an interesting choice read analysis of Ignatius Prindabel. Get the entire Don’t Call Me Ishmael LitChart as a printable PDF. Don't Call Me Ishmael #1. Michael Gerard Bauer. Scholastic Australia, - Juvenile Fiction. 8 Reviews. "There's no easy way to put this, so I'll say it straight out. It's time I faced up to the. So imagine a kid in a rough-and-tumble Australian boys’ school having a name like Ishmael Leseur. That is what the protagonist is called in Michael Gerard Bauer’s young adult novel, Don’t Call Me Ishmael!. The book is in the form of a journal, written in the first person and kept by the protagonist, fourteen-year-old Ishmael, to help him understand the problems his strange name has created for him.